Quality policy
Due to our product structure satisfying a wide range of industrial customers' needs, our objective is to become a leading supplier or to remain a leading supplier on the target market we specified.
For the sake of the cause, besides efficient operation, the management of the Cog-Wheel Factory Ltd. strives to ensure such a level of personal and material conditions, that the quality of the products we produce can comply with the current market needs.
In order to maintain and strengthen our Buyers' confidence and to ensure our company's long-term operation, the operation and continuous development of the quality control system, under the standard MSZ EN ISO 9001:2009, are considered our fundamental activities.
For its implementation in practice, we set quality objectives specifying concrete tasks every year. We continuously assess the realization of quality objectives.
In the course of our activity, we make an effort to meet all the social, proprietary, customers' and workers' expectations alike.
Our objective is to establish a supplier network the members of which can meet the requirements set by our company at all points, both financially and by their services.
All workers of our company bear full responsibility for the quality of the work he or she performed.
Each worker of the company is obliged to work for the attainment of the objectives set in the quality policy and the quality objectives to the best of his or her knowledge, as well as to participate actively in continuous development of the quality of the activities performed.
Our tasks are specified as preserving our market position through profitable management, providing constant development and ensuring our colleagues' financial and intellectual growth.
Tata, 1 September 2015
Tibor Kovács
Managing Director
ISO tanúsítvány